Thursday, March 3, 2011

A moment...

A friend of mine wrote a nice post on her blog about how fast life seems to go by, and she reminded me that I need to appreciate "the moments."  I've been great with kitchen photos lately, but not so great with people ones.  I have repented.  I will do better.

What I want to remember about this moment:  I just picked up C and J3 from kindergarten.  C made a kazoo at school, and J3 took his skateboard for show-and-tell.  We went to Arby's to get lunch since our ceiling drywall was being installed.  C and J3 giggled as we took a sequence of goofy shots.  Nobody was punching anyone.  Or screaming that the other one locked his/her seatbelt.  It was a great moment.


  1. Don't ya just LU-UH-UV those crazy car moments...when...if someone were looking into your car at that moment they may call the just a car FULL of LOVE!

    I'm trying to enjoy our moments more as well...I was preaching to myself in that post too :O)


    PS I didn't know u had a blog!! I'm following in ya now!
