Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bangs for Eliza

Today in church, my friend, K, gave the lesson in our Relief Society meeting.  She talked about Elisabeth (mother of John the Baptist) and Eliza R. Snow (LDS writer/poet, and one of the most prominent women in early LDS church history).  K said that since not all of us had a sense of who Eliza really was, she wanted to read some information that would help us get to know her better.  Among other things, she read this:

“She was slightly above medium height and of a slender build; her bearing was at one graceful and dignified. Hers was a noble countenance, the forehead being unusually high and expansive and the features of a slightly Hebrew cast, exquisitely cut as those of an artistic specimen of the sculptor’s art. The most striking feature of all [was] those wonderful eyes, deep, penetrating, full of meaning and intelligence, often illumined with poetic fire. They were indeed the windows of a noble soul. Her conversation was charming, every word being distinctly articulated. … In speech and action she was thoughtful and deliberate. While of susceptible and delicate organism, and in every way womanly, she had great decision of character. So deep were her convictions and potent her sense of morality, that we believe she would more readily have surrendered her life than act in opposition to them.”

When she got to the part about the unusually high and expansive forehead, a few of us giggled a bit about Eliza being described that way - as if a woman would want to be known for a huge forehead!  Without missing a beat, K, a hairdresser, said in the sweetest, most sincere voice, "Awww, well we could give her some bangs?"  This was met with peals of laughter from the class.  I don't know if I've ever laughed that hard at church.  

Knowing of Eliza's penchant for fashionable clothes, I gave her a cute, wispy 'do.

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