Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Table, day 1 (and a half)

My dad and I went to the lumber yard yesterday and picked out all the wood for our table.  Although I really liked the walnut, I decided to get white oak because we could get white oak dimensional lumber so the frame would match.  I'm not a fan of medium-tone, builder-grade, 1990s-look oak, but if I can get a color similar to this 18th century French antique oak table, I'll be happy.

Or this English oak antique, which sold recently for $7000.  Seriously. 

Or any of these.  That kind of oak I can live with, and I figure with 12 kids, I'm gonna have patina all over the place in no time.  

So we only did one boo-boo that required a return trip to the lumber yard and the outlay of another 16 bucks.  Not too bad.  We got the frame completely assembled, complete with a few tweaks for strength and style.  Por ejemplo, the stretchers extend an inch beyond the edges of the legs, and we notched the bottom of the middle stretcher to fit into a notch on the side stretchers.  I also ordered 4 oak brackets which will support the 10" breadboard ends at each end of the table.  And the table will be 4'x10'.  Almost big enough for our family, but unfortunately limited by the length of our dining room.

Awesome table, super-awesome daddy.  

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