One of the things I insisted my kitchen must have is a pantry. For one, they're cool-looking, for another, our house used to have two of them, and for yet another, I feed a small army who unfortunately like to graze. To be perfectly honest, I need a place where I can literally lock up most of the foods my family consumes - especially anything containing more than a molecule of sugar.
I gave my future pantry a lot of thought. Other than having to lock, I require beadboard, some sort of cutesy trim details, white paint, and use of the original ceiling fixture. It must hold a minimum of 50 boxes of cereal (those who know me know that I am so not kidding). It must be functional. It must be purty. And it must lock. Did I say that already?
Right side |
Right side - awaiting
its carrara marble top |
Left side |
Looking straight ahead
toward the window |
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